Notice of Referee ID Card Renewal (05/27/2024)
Starting today (05/27/2024), the World Wiser Sport Committee (WWSC) is now accepting applications for the renewal of WWSC Grades 3 and 4 referee ID cards. Referees seeking to renew their expired referee ID cards can select one of the following two processes to submit their applications.
1. Individual Application:
Please submit the individual application to WWSC’s email address at: by including the following information on your existing referee ID card for processing:
a. Grade 3 or 4 referee ID number.
For example, WWSC-G4-CR-00XXX or WWSC-G3-SR-00XXX
b. The name specified on your existing referee ID card: Chinese or English name.
For example, 王大明 or Ming Wang (first name + last name)
c. If you wish to replace the original photo on your existing referee ID card with a new photo, please attach an electronic file of a front-view of your upper-body color photo taken within the last six months by following the requirements of Attachment 1 ─ Size and Format of Photo for WWSC Wiser Referee ID Card. When naming your photo file, it is important to follow the format guidelines provided below to ensure proper organization and clarity.
“Referee ID Number_Referee Name”.
For example, “WWSC-G4-CR-00XXX_Ming_Wang”.
d. For the Subject line of the email for the individual application, please refer to the following naming convention format:
“Referee ID Number_Referee Name_Date of Email Submittal”.
For example, “WWSC-G4-CR-00XXX_Ming_Wang_05_27_2024”
2. Group Application:
To effectively facilitate group applications submitted by Wiser Sport organizations, it is necessary to have a process to help organize and collect the application information of each referee belonging to the organization, uniformly submit their applications for referee ID renewal, and collect the fee for making referee ID cards.
Therefore, we are specially providing Attachment 2 ─”List of Group Applications for Referee ID Card Renewal” for group applicants to fill out. We hope the list can assist the referees for referee ID card renewal by group application as well as enable WWSC to process the renewal and issuance of referee ID cards more efficiently.
Please submit your group application with the list of applicants as an attachment to WWSC’s email address at: for processing. If any referee wishes to replace the original photo on his/her existing referee ID card with a new photo, please also refer to the requirements for photo size, specifications, and file naming conventions as stated in the above individual application and submit them as attachments.
For the Subject line of the email for the group application, please refer to the following naming convention format:
“Name of Group Applicant _Referee_ID_Card_Renewal_Date of Email Submittal”
For example, “WWSC_Referee_ID_Card_Renewal _05_27_2024”
The processing fee for renewal and making each new referee ID card is US$30, and it remains valid for 3 years.
Please directly submit your application to WWSC for the next referee ID card renewal within 30 days before the expiry date on your newly issued referee ID card.
World Wiser Sports Committee
May 27, 2024
Please click the following link to download the notice in pdf format
WWSC_Notice_of_Referee_ID_Card_Renewal_05_27_2024 | |
Attachment 1 Size and Format of Photo for WWSC Wiser Referee ID Card | |
Attachment 2_List of Group Applications for Referee ID Card Renewal |